Introduction to Kosher Cheese - What Makes It Special?

Kosher cheese is more than just a tasty dairy product; it’s steeped in culture with well-defined rules for its manufacturing. Even if you buy kosher food regularly or have never kept dietary restrictions before, understanding the processes involved in preparing kashrut-compliant cheese is essential. Therefore, we shall discuss in detail what makes cheese kosher, how to identify it, and why there are people who love it.


What Is Kosher Cheese?

Kosher cheese is cheese that has been prepared according to the Jewish dietary rules and regulations known as kashrut. These laws are biblical and have been in practice for many years as per the Jewish Laws of Kosher. People always wonder “What makes cheese kosher?”

The Cheese Guy Kosher Cheese

For cheese to be considered kosher, it must be made under specific conditions:

  1. Kosher Ingredients: For a cheese to attain the label “kosher,” both milk as well as rennets used in the procedure must be kosher. In simpler terms, the milk ought to originate from cows, sheep, etc., which were killed according to the laws of kashrut. This holds also true for rennet which is responsible for curdling of milk and conversion into cheese; this must also be kosher or derived from microbes.
  2. Supervised Production: The entire cheese-making process needs to be overseen by an accredited kosher authority called the mashgiach. This would guarantee that no non-kosher ingredient ever comes into contact with the cheese, in addition to making sure all types of equipment used are kosher.
  3. No Mixing with Meat: Kosher dietary laws forbid the mixture of dairy and milk products. What this means is that kosher cheese should be made or processed in facilities where not any single product comes from meat origin, or that facility should have undergone the necessary cleaning and kosherization to avoid cross-contamination.



What Cheese Is Kosher?

The Cheese Guy Gouda

The range of kosher cheese is as diverse as non-kosher cheese. However, not all cheeses are kosher, even if they contain seemingly kosher ingredients. Some popular types of kosher cheese include:

  • Cheddar: A favorite among many, cheddar cheese can be made kosher if it follows the strict guidelines outlined above. 
  • Mozzarella: Used widely in kosher pizza, mozzarella cheese is another variety that can be made kosher with proper supervision.
  • Swiss and Gouda: These European-style cheeses are also available in kosher varieties, providing a broad spectrum of flavors for kosher consumers.

For true kosher cheese, OU certification is paramount. The Cheese Guy's cheeses not only boast the prestigious OU label but are also vegetarian-friendly, ensuring they meet the highest standards of dietary compliance, providing a wonderful experience for all cheese enthusiasts, from strictly kosher to unabashed omnivores.  



Why Choose Kosher Cheese?

The Cheese Guy Goat Mozzarella

To those who keep the kosher dietary laws, there exists a religious element in their choice of cheese, which makes it kosher. Kosher cheese also attracts non-Jewish customers, for whom it stands for strict quality control and a level of ethical production. Others even believe kosher cheese tastes purer because of the close supervision and the higher quality of ingredients.

Moreover, most kosher cheese is made in limited quantities from small batches with a focus on artisanal quality, and this gives them highly distinct flavors, which are very conducive to on-shelf differentiation in a crowded marketplace. Whether you're looking for specific tastes or just enjoy eating cheese that meets the most exacting standards for excellence and purity, kosher cheese is truly outstanding.



Kosher cheese is much more than a diet choice; it represents tradition, quality, and the ethical production of food. Now, understanding what exactly kosher cheese is and what makes cheese kosher will give you a greater appreciation for the care and dedication in every slice. Whether you're exploring the world of kosher cheese for religious reasons or out of culinary curiosity, the variety and richness of kosher cheeses, such as those offered by The Cheese Guy, are sure to delight your taste buds.

Thus, the next time you wonder, 'What cheese is kosher?' Remember the rich history, strict regulations, and deep respect that make kosher cheese truly exceptional.