If there’s one thing Jews love more than a good debate, it’s a good meal. And this is the perfect time of year for both. People often disagree on what to eat during the Nine Days. Just go on to social media. Post after post are of Jews stressed out over what to make.
After all, we do tend to be more of a meat culture. Okay, we’re totally a meat culture. And no wonder, until recently, the quality of dairy products hasn’t been that great. Single-handedly, one guy is changing that.
Brent Delman, from Yonkers, New York, better known as The Cheese Guy, has brought world-class kosher cheese to the market. Far beyond the basic stuff and cheese sticks the other guys make Brent, in contrast, following old-world tradition, is hand-crafting in small batches of cheeses we’ve never heard of before, because we were never able to eat them before.
He’s making the cheeses you see in other countries you wish you could try, the ones in upscale non-kosher markets you stare at curiously on your way to the kosher section, and the stuff ba’al tshuvahs wish they could still eat. Brent’s selection includes a variety of aged cheese, hard cheese, and soft cheese, allowing kosher consumers to explore new flavors and textures that were previously out of reach.
A Good Jew Making Great Cheese
When you’re a religious Jew making cheese, where better to partner with dairy farmers than the land of milk and honey? Brent’s love for Israel means supporting Israeli farmers whenever possible. This ensures that the highest quality kosher cheese, including his signature aged cheese, reaches the tables of those who seek it.
He also supports local farmers at home, in upstate New York and surrounding states. And in his quest to source the finest kosher cheese, he’s now also partnering with small family farms in Italy, France, and Spain. This global approach helps him bring a diverse range of cheese options, from hard cheese to soft cheese, to the kosher market.
He has earned the right to be called The Cheese Guy. With an incomparable line of aged, hard, and soft cheeses that includes French cheeses, Smoked Caciotta di Bufala, Amish farm goudas, Vermont aged cheddars, and fresh burrata, he’s really the only guy doing what he does.
One Cheese Guy. Countless Places to Find It.
Brent may travel the world in search of great farms, but you can easily find his cheeses on Sundays through December at the farmer’s market in Rockville Centre. So stop by, say hi, and sample a few great cheeses to see what you like.
You can also find The Cheese Guy cheeses year-round in 5 Towns stores like Gourmet Glatt, Kol Save, Seasons, The Cheese Store (no relation) as well as the kosher section of specialty markets on Long Island, like Whole Foods, Shoprite, and Uncle Giuseppe’s. These stores carry a variety of Brent’s aged cheese, kosher cheese, hard cheese, and soft cheese, making it easy to try something new and delicious.
Of course, he wouldn’t be The Cheese Guy without a website dedicated to cheese. You can order from over 65 varieties of cheeses, crackers, and other gourmet Cheese Guy creations at www.thecheeseguy.com. So check it out and spread it out. Whether you’re looking for aged cheese or a soft cheese perfect for pairing, his online store has something for every cheese lover.
So for this Nine Days, pick up a cheese you’ve never had before and try something really unique. This time of year can be pretty depressing. But cooking with the right cheese, or just having it with crackers and fruit, it can also be delicious.
To contact Brent about hosting an elegant private tasting and presentation, wine and cheese events, catering, and more, you may contact us at 718-698-5154 or click here to leave a message.